Friday, June 8, 2012

30 DAYS!

I have officially finished my 30 days of INSANITY! I decided to post my day one and day thirty pics for you all to see. Even though the thought of doing it makes me sick! 

If you want to get some results too, go to

Monday, June 4, 2012


I feel like life is tricking me right now. I am emotionally stressed to the max! I need a job and there are none around me. UGH, on side note, I did work out three times today. I did both my insanity work outs and then the hip hop abs as well. Im gonna keep on keeping on and hope for the best. Please be praying for me. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012


I am getting kinda tired of just talking about diet/exercise so I decided that this blog can be about life in general. It is pretty frantic around my household lately. I currently do not have a paying job, our lawn mower broke, the pool has holes in it, and our air conditioner broke on the hottest day that we had. It seems like when one that falls apart so many others do too. It will all be alright I know but it is difficult in the moment when your overwhelmed. I have been keeping myself busy with my exercise. That helps my mood quite a bit. If I am unable to find a job here soon I will be pretty darn fit by the time school starts again! 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I am currently on day 20 of my INSANITY journey and I could not be happier : ) The results so far have been pretty good. I can tell I have lost inches and look better in my tummy area. I have gained muscle in my arms and back. I just wish I could accelerate the weight loss a bit more. I ordered the slimming formula from Beachbody and also the results and recovery formula so maybe that will help move things along. I am so happy I decided to try this program. I know shakeology seems expensive and the work-outs seem expensive but believe me they are worth every penny. The best money I have probably ever spent. I am going to be starting a free exercise class at my church, I'm pretty excited about that. I used to eat fast food quite a bit and I haven't had take out in almost two weeks and no diet mountain dew for 2 months. I am getting healthier all the time. 

Join me : )

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Well someone told me yesterday that they could tell my workout/diet was working for me! That is AWESOME! My husband also told me the other day that my arms look skinner. That was weird for me to hear but nice I guess? It's nice people can see results but horrifying to know that my arms were fat! When I am done with my 60 days of insanity I will post my before/after pics. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Hooray! I am finally starting to see some results! I say finally like it has been forever but in all reality I have only been on Shakeology and working out with Insanity for 2 weeks, so the fact that I already see results is pretty awesome! I have lost 2 inches in my waist, 1 inch in my hips! Arms and chest stayed the same and I gained a bit in my thighs! I am hoping that is just muscles. I feel better, I can fit into a pair of pants I haven't been able to wear in quite awhile. I am so glad that I started this journey. It is a hard road to lose weight but I feel so much better already and I still have 6 weeks left to go! I cannot wait to see the end results. If you want to join me on my journey visit my site at: 

or you can contact me anytime, I would be happy to talk to you! : ) 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


UGH! I don't understand why weight loss has to be so freakin hard all the time. It should be as easy as you want to lose weight and ta-da it's gone!I also believe if chocolate melted fat we would all be better. I think it could even possibly end wars.  I was doing so well, I lost 3 pounds in 2 days with Shakeology and Insanity. Then I had Mother's day and it went downhill from there. I gained back two pounds. BUT I have been doing my Insanity every day and It is difficult to say the least. I am back on eating good today and I even had Shakeology twice today instead of just once. I hope this helps. My calves are killing me . I have also been going to the Y and doing the Les Mills Body Pump class and I have learned that I absolutely HATE lunges and squats. I need someone to come to my house and say do this and eat this and smack the crap out of my hand. Who wants that job? Anyone?